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Technologies to combat Pandemic
Utpal Chakraborty, Head of Artificial Intelligence, YES Bank, AI Researcher

Utpal Chakraborty, Head of Artificial Intelligence, YES Bank, AI Researcher
As a precautionary measure travel advisory bulletin boards from authentic sources should be displayed in every airports, harbors, bus and train stations. Checking travel history data especially for overseas travel should be mandatory not only during pandemic but even during peace.
It is seen from the past experiences, one of the most important factors that can attribute confining such diseases is availability of portable and cheap testing kits. Today it is only because the testing of COVID-19 is so cumbersome across the globe, due to which we landed up in such a terrible situation. Just imagine a hypothetical scenario – if we have COVID-19 testing kit available in each one of our mobile devices, we can confine this pandemic from spreading in less than 10 days. Some Singapore based firm has created a portable device but it’s still in a very early stage to made available for public. Another effective technique to deal with epidemics proved from ancient times is Social Engineering which we term as Lock Down and Social Distancing in modern terms. These techniques have been adopted during Black Death, Spanish Flu and other past pandemics. We can encourage social distancing and monitor whether it has been followed properly. With the help of technologies by trapping into cellular networks, today it is very much possible for the authorities to get notified and locate people gathering. It is also possible to send notifications to evacuate if overcrowded or send early alert to avoid such places. Some applications are already in use to pinpoint the location of identified infected person and alert others nearby to avoid contact.
Scientists have already attempted to forecast spread of EBOLA with satellite imagery to pinpoint where from EBOLA virus has originated. It was probably not that successful but was a noble attempt and such researches should be taken forward for other pandemics. Any early indication, even with acceptable level of errors is crucial to fight against any pandemics because early forecast is the key.
BlueDot, a Canadian firm specialized in public data mining in the field of healthcare and medicine predicted the COVID-19 outbreak much earlier than the Govt. officials of China releases the information to the world. They forecasted by acquiring information from various online sources, social media and local news etc. and processed information using AI algorithms. They also predicted the spread of the disease into different countries just by processing data pertaining booking of flight tickets to and from province of Wuhan, China. It was revel that such information was shared with WHO well in advance but unfortunately WHO took enough time to comprehend the severity of the disease.
Technologies like Artificial Intelligence can also be used for the control of infection and the spread of epidemics/pandemics by making real-time information available to public and authorities so that they can take control measures. Also, through use of simulation it is possible to predict the future spread and adversities to help in decision making and control.
AI is already in use for the diagnosis and treatment of COVID-19 patients at hospitals, many of the equipment used for paint care in the hospitals are already AI powered. Disinfectant robots are in use for patient care, thus reduces the risk of infection of healthcare workers. Also, drones taking stoke of quarantine localities, public gatherings, spreading disinfectants in the infected areas and residential places.
Scientist all over the world has using AI and other cutting-edge technologies for the discovery and research of drugs to treat COVID-19 patients. Few of the drug research companies has already made some progress on the same. One startup in China has claimed that it has developed an AI algorithm that can detect COVID-19 cases from CT Scan in just matter of seconds with an accuracy of more than 96%. It can also detect how severe the case is by calculating the lesion created by the virus in the lung. A research group of Michigan State University has published a paper that AI can really help drug researchers to identify the COVID-19 drug comparatively in lesser time than with conventional method. In silicon Medicine has also published that they have used AI to search for a potential medicine for COVID-19, the algorithm did different permutations to identify couple of molecules from past experiences of MARS and SARS that could be a candidate for treating the disease. The challenge here is the time taken for different trials like animal and human trails before it can be released to the market to prescribe to the patients.
Also, using AI it will be possible to understand the genetic sequence of a virus and predict how it is going to transform itself over a period of time and what all behavior it will acquire in future. Hence it will also be possible to find what all drugs will be effective treating it.
Vaccine development, clinical trial, commercialization of the vaccines can be extremely simplified and accelerated using AI and other digital technologies. By analyzing the protein structures and similarities of previously developed vaccines, the development time and clinical trial time can be significantly reduced.
Some companies are also working on creating AI applications for self-diagnosis of COVID-19 by assessing the degree and exposure to risk someone is carrying using mobile location data, travel history of the person etc. Similarly, AI powered portable devices are also been tried for diagnosis of the disease.
Among few positive developments, many of the government and non-government agencies of some countries have already released COVID-19 related different datasets public for the data scientists and researchers to analyze the data and come up with valuable inferences. Some have declared prize money and awards as well so that developers can take it sportingly.
Availability of adequate patient care equipment, ventilator machines, intensive care units, other medical equipment, equipment for contagious disease care for healthcare and medical staffs is very essential in epidemic time.
Like China every country should be in a position to build hospitals in few days with all required facilities to deal with such pandemics. This is possible if they are ready to curtail a small portion of their defense budget and put that fund into healthcare and medicine.
Create outbreak control team for investigation and control from professionals from different government and industry verticals. And each small locality should have such epidemic control centers equipped with all amenities to control such outbreaks in that locality itself as much possible.
Training military personals for pandemics, biological warfare and Bio Terrorism in simulated environment, bringing awareness among civilians and train them how they can protect themselves from such possibilities also needs to be addressed rigorously. Performing outbreak drill run time to time in schools, colleges and in defense establishments in a simulated environment will enhance the preparedness to deal with such pandemics.
Use advanced analytics for predicting the adversity of any outbreak by creating simulated epidemic conditions like case control study and COHORT study. AI powered applications can help creating exact Hit Map of epidemic or pandemic which can indicate most affected areas, communities and the wave of the direction of its spread in near real time.
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